1934/03/09 Eagle, Nebraska and Ames, Iowa

Mom and Dad were married in June, 1933,and lived in Lincoln, Nebraska. There was a good sized depression going on, and the folks were not rich. So Dad drove Mom to Eagle, Nebraska (20 miles east of Lincoln) to dad’s dad,s home. Eagle at that time had about 200 souls. Now it is up to 1,000. The area of the town is 0.35 square miles.

Grandfather Earl Minor Stewart was the county doctor. His practice was in his home, and I was born there. My Aunt Jean Marie was a teen ager – I was the first baby she ever held.

In December, we moved to Ames, Iowa where Dad got a job as chief engineer for WOI, the campus radio station of Iowa State College (now Iowa State University). WOI is not an NPR station in Des Moines.

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We lived at 244 Campus Avenue. Brother Bobby was born on August 19, 1936 in a hospital in Ames.

I started school. A neighbor girl was Cheryl Peyton – we were friends. Her father owned a local grocery store.

I remember dad taking me to see the radio antenna he was building for the station. It was his dissertation for what amounted to a master’s degree (it was just called a degree).

Brother Bobby (Robert Earl) was born August 19, 19366.

I remember going to the train station with dad to see the Burlington Zephyr train – first streamlined non-steam train, now at the Chicago Science Museum.

I am told one night I pulled on the coffee pot power cord and dumed scalding coffee on myself. And for Christmas Bobby and I got a used O guage train set.

Not a lot of memories of Ames, at least not worth typing!

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