1957 09 Graduate School

I applied for a coveted David Sarnoff Fellowship. There were only a few (3 I think) available that year. After a graduate school aptitude test, an essay, and an interview at RCA headquarters, I won! Penny and I moved back to Troy, New York; I was accepted for a Masters program at RPI and Penny went back to Albany State for one more year.

We lived in “the wick” – graduate housing built during the was when RPI was a Navy Officer school.

Tom and Shirley Gibson came up for a weekend. On leaving, Shirley said (uncharacteristically) “Let’s bug out of this flea trap”. It became a standard saying for Penny and me.

Nick Wing, from Moorestown High, was in medical school in Albany – we spent a lot of time with him and his wife.

I wrote a master’s thesis on transistorized amplifier for a vidicon television camera. It wasn’t very good, but they accepted it. My advisor was Dr Waters, of GE. years later, while visiting my parents in Earp, NV, dad was making a precision electronic clock based on an article in Electronics magazine – by Dr. Waters!